Guglielmo Poletti

Guglielmo Poletti (1987) is a Milan-based Italian designer. His work encompasses a variety of fields, ranging from spatial design to furniture and lighting design, which are conceived either as limited editions or produced in collaboration with industry partners.

Poletti investigates the inherent constructive potential of materials through a deconstructive approach to form, aiming to identify the logical foundations of each project. This results into the creation of archetypal reconfigurations, which revolve around a tension-balance relationship. The notions of limit and perception are reinterpreted both physically and visually through these precise gestures. Poletti’s rigorous compositions are deceptively simple. They are metaphors of solved complexities, and their architectural qualities emphasise the concept of subtractive poetics.

His research is devoid of superfluous conceptual narratives and stylistic redundancies. It pursues a sublimation of the process, to achieve aesthetic results that are always subordinate to structural considerations. Grounded in a thinking-by-doing philosophy, his method involves an experimental approach where intuition is triggered by the making, while analytical thinking plays a complementary role in restricting arbitrary choices throughout the implementation phases of an idea. Based on solid criteria, Poletti’s work is characterised by a consistent style that transcends typological differences.

Guglielmo Poletti founded his studio in 2016 after graduating from the Design Academy Eindhoven with an MA in Contextual Design. In addition to developing his own projects as well as privately commissioned projects, he has worked with a number of internationally renowned clients such as Flos, Magis, Desalto and Galleria Rossana Orlandi, Wallpaper* Magazine, among others. His work is included in the permanent collection of the Design Museum Gent, and over the past few years he has received several awards and commendations from leading industry players and cultural associations, such as MAISON&OBJET, ADI – Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, Wallpaper* Magazine, AD Architectural Digest, Elle Decor International, Dezeen, Stylepark, Archiproducts.